There are two types of webpages:
Utility Pages are very specific to a task.
Examples include About, Review, Gallery, Request Appointment, About, etc.
- Ideally, we want the user to get the information as quickly as possible because they’re on that page for a very specific reason — and, most likely, they are “sold” (or close to being sold) on the product.
- The utility page will be a page a visitor looks at after they have seen “Pages that Sell.”
- The hero only needs to tell the user that they’ve arrived via a simple headline: About, Review, Gallery, Request Appointment, About, etc.
- All Utility Pages will feature a thin hero. These pages include:
- About Us - Specific to a company (default Smart Site About Us page)*
- About ______________ - Specific to an individual (i.e. bio page)
- Blog*
- Calendar
- Careers / Job Postings
- Contact Us*
- Coupons / Specials, Discounts / Offers, Rebates etc.
(if no Assistant Banner requested)
- eCommerce / Online Store
- FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions*
- Finance
- Gallery*
- Meet Our (or Your) Team, Technicians, Trainers, Attorneys, etc
- Patient Forms / Resources
- Request __________________ Form*
- Reviews*
* Thin hero included with CL Template
- Pages that sell include:
- Home
- Product / Service Page(s)
- Menu (one menu)
- Menu (multiple / specific)
- Coupons / Offers and the like
(if Assistant Banner is requested)
- Search / Social Specific Landing Pages
- Exception
- Coupons / Specials, Discounts / Offers, Rebates etc.
- If the site has an Assistant Banner the page will have a Hero
- If the site does not have an Assistant Banner, the page will have a Thin Hero